Hi there!

My name is Trevor Green and I live in Irvine California. When I am not working for a living, I am a full time dad and taxi service shuttling my two sons from golf, soccer or baseball practice to games and school events.

I have been woodworking for over 30 years now. I remember my earliest woodworking experience was when I participated in woodshop during Elementary school in South Africa back in the 70’s. I developed a passion then that has remained with me to this very day. Over the years I have built many projects but unfortunately I never documented any of them and many of them I do not even remember. I have built home projects, kitchen cabinets, furniture cabinets, beds and bedroom furniture, play houses and many types of other outdoor projects.

One could say I have too many interests (Jack of all trades, master of none). For a number of years I studied Classical and Flamenco guitar (this was back in the 80’s). Over the past 10 years my personal time has become limited with the responsibilities of a  growing family, however, I still play the guitar and wish I could practice more. In 2010 I decided to build a classical guitar. Of course I had no experience in building a guitar other than what I discovered through online research and the reading of books by Cumpiano and Sloane. I managed to find a local luthier and began taking lessons. Again, limited time meant that I had to find time to work at home, but working at home meant I had to get my workshop in order.

I was born and grew up in South Africa, but in December of 2003 my wife and I decided to leave South Africa and relocate to the US. For the first 2 years we rented a house and in 2006 purchased our own home in the US. While we eventually settled in nicely and unpacked everything we  shipped over from South Africa, the garage had become a bit of an unorganized storage facility. I began by building some storage cupboards and trying to get some kind of organization in the garage. With the little remaining space I figured I would set  up a small garage workshop and restart my woodworking hobby. I began by cleaning up our garage and building some basic woodshop furniture. Some of what I built is just temporary and will be rebuilt to  meet my purposes as more space becomes available. My initial projects were focussed primarily on just getting my workspace organized and cleaned up so I could begin working on building guitars.

Since I have no history of my  projects or furniture that I have built previously, I thought I would begin a blog to keep a type of diary of my work. It is by no means a “how to” blog but more a “how I did it” diary of events as a way for me to keep track of my projects for future reference. I always try and research as many ways of doing things as I can before I actually start a project. In these cases I will try and provide links to the research I did before embarking on the project myself. These references may provide more background information of the types of things I am doing. Please check out my  blog entries relating to my projects just completed and projects that are works in progress.

If you are looking for a more instructional blog then there are many more far more detailed “how to” blogs out there to follow. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy and get some new ideas for your own projects.


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